Sunday, March 16, 2014


It's been quite the weekend for me spiritually. The past few months have been an increasingly dry time in my faith journey. I have felt overwhelmed with life in a way that doesn't allow for thinking about anything beyond the immediate task at hand. I have let journalling and devotionals fall by the way side as I try my best to raise our son and carry/birth/raise our our daughter. Some relationships have become a burden more than a blessing and I have let them slide in a semi-intentional way; understanding that without effort they die but feeling empty of the energy I need to invest. I have felt this tension the most in my relationship with the Lord. In this season of life when I need him more than ever before, I am allowing the busyness of life to become a barrier between us.

Over the past few days I have very much felt God's voice and prompting to come back to Him, to seek His face and to trust Him. I certainly wasn't looking for Him, and in that truth I am so thankful that His love goes beyond my humanity. He knows me so completely that his timing was perfect.

Mar 16 at 7:52 PM
It's been quite the weekend for me spiritually. The past few months have been an increasingly dry time in my faith journey. I have felt overwhelmed with life in a way that doesn't allow for thinking about anything beyond the immediate task at hand. I have let journalling and devotionals fall by the way side as I try my best to raise our son and carry/birth/raise our our daughter. Some relationships have become a burden more than a blessing and I have let them slide in a semi-intentional way; understanding that without effort they die but feeling empty of the energy I need to invest. I have felt this tension the most in my relationship with the Lord. In this season of life when I need him more than ever before, I am allowing the busyness of life to become a barrier between us. 

Over the past few days I have very much felt God's voice and prompting to come back to Him, to seek His face and to trust Him. I certainly wasn't looking for Him, and in that truth I am so thankful that His love goes beyond my humanity. He knows me so completely that his timing was perfect.

I attended the women's tea at our church yesterday afternoon with a couple of friends, a plan that had been on the calendar for a while. Its an annual event that raises funds for the women's ministry. It's an opportunity to put on a pretty frock (if you haven't just had a baby and only fit in maternity jeans), nibble on tiny sandwiches and sip tea. You sit around beautifully decorated tables and listen to a speaker share their heart. This years speaker was Kimberlee Conway Ireton. A Seattle-based mother of four, writer and speaker. She spoke about the importance of making Ebeneezer's a part of our daily lives to recognise and remember all God has done in our lives. Her talk was inspired and inspiring. The Lord spoke to me through her words; simply and gently calling me to take time for him each and every day. Building Ebeneezer's will come in time, but his call was much smaller. He just asked me to come to him. I left the tea inspired; thankful that I had heard God's voice so clearly but fearful that I would fail to make it happen.

My head was swirling.

Fast forward to the middle of the night and I am up with Nora. She is nursing and I am using my cell phone to give us some light but not enough to wake my sweet, sleeping husband. I noticed a new email in my inbox. A daily devotional from 'My Daily Bread.' They come every day and for a long time they would be the first thing I would read in the morning but recently I have been deleting them as unread so i don't have to feel guilty that I am not making time to read them. I was about to delete this message too, and flip to check what was new on Facebook at 3am, but then God's gentle nudge changed my mind. I clicked on the email and read the words inside. 

Your words were found, and I ate them - Jeremiah 15:16

The devotional asked us to contemplate the truth that in the same way our bodies crave food, our spirits crave the word of the Lord. It's certainly not a new concept for me but as my tired body digested the words I heard it anew. I know life would be different if I spent more time reading my Bible. I woke up with a renewed desire and commitment to carve out time in my day to spend with God.

I woke up to Sunday. Not a bad day to find ones self with a renewed desire for connection with the Lord. Off to church we went - arriving only ten minutes late and we were even all dressed and fed! Pastor Scott gave the sermon on the topic of being available for God. It was a really challenging message for me that seemed to be the final piece of what God had been speaking to me this weekend. How are we available to God and how do our actions reflect our faith. What kind of examples are we setting for our children? 

I have been living in my own strength, with no extra to give back. I have been a poor example of faith to my babies and that reality is one I cannot let go. By spending more time with the Lord, seeking His voice and His will for my days I know He will give me what I need to live out the life He is calling me to with grace. As I draw closer to Him, I will become more available and in turn I hope and pray that my life will become a reflection of God's love. 

I am looking forward to turning this new leaf; to beginning a new season and seeing where it takes me.

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