Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dear Levi - twenty two months old

Sweet Levi Rhys,

Every month you change so much it's hard to keep up!

This month you have been trying to figure out if you want to be a big boy or a baby. For the most part, with your "big boy bed" and your increasing need to be independent you refer to yourself as a "big boy". Its pretty adorable even when it is your remark to let us know you want to do something by yourself; drinking from a glass or cup with no lid, putting on shoes, helping make dinner, riding your bike etc. Other times you still want to be the baby; every time you fall you will lay there saying "mummy pick up Levi" and refusing to get up yourself for accept help from anyone else, or times when you want to be carried. The times when I am holding Nora and I manage to haul you onto my other hip you look at me with the biggest smile and exclaim "two babies!"

I am sure it is confusing to find your place, your whole world changed when your little sister arrived and you have truly done a remarkable job adjusting. You are my big boy and my baby. You can be both.

You still struggle to stay in your bed through the night and most nights you end up in with us. You make yourself quite comfortable I must say, which means your Dad and I don't/ We are strategising to come up with a plan to teach you to stay put but its hard when we know this is a transition that is a big deal for such a young kid such as you are. At the moment we lay with you at nap time and bed time until you fall asleep. You usually still ask us to "rub the back" while we lay and usually we oblige - its a tough life :)

You are so funny, and have a great sense of humor. You are starting to find more and more things that make you laugh without any encouragement from us. The other day we discovered a new episode of Kipper on the On Demand section of our cable TV and it has him riding a bike - see below - so you wanted to watch it and at one point he puts on too much oil and the handle bars pull out and you cracked up laughing. We have watched it since and you laughed at the same part. I am not sure what you find so hilarious but I find your laughter so precious. I love to see your face light up.

You LOVE to ride your little balance bike. Your helmet perched on your head and off you go. Daddy used to hold you but now you tell him you are a big boy and you want to do it without his help. You are starting to steer with the handle bars and even life your feet to cruise a little every now and then. Its been fun to watch you discover this new ability and see how the extra inches you seem to have grown in the past couple of months have given you more ability in this area. Your have such determination when you want to do something and I am so proud of you!

Your emotions still sometimes get the best of you and we have been giving bats and balls time outs as you misuse them. You understand the rules but I can see certain things being too tempting in the moment. Sharing and turn taking continues to be an area you struggle as do all your friends of the same age. Sometimes, especially if its throwing and catching, or kicking a ball back and forward you can be enticed into a game but it can be a challenge.

You have taken to picking me flowers when you are at the park or pass by a patch of grass with daisys and dandilions, I get so many bouquets now! What a lucky mama I am!

Your imagination has just exploded this past month and your role play has become common practice around here. I love how you lift up your shirt and pretend to nurse your lovey, or how you are constantly making us cups of tea and coffee in your stacking cups (someone get this half British kid a tea set, STAT!) I love that you "go shopping" or go to work, taking your tools with you of course :) I am pretty sure that you think that's what Daddy does all day because he says he's 'going to work' when he leaves in the morning and then on the weekends he lets you "work" with him remodelling the bathroom.

You are hard work sweet child of mine but work every minute of it. I love you so much.

Love Mama x

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