Monday, November 15, 2010

"big bag of weird in there"

Wow, so almost 400 hits later I guess 'submission' is a hot button topic. I am not going to dwell on it, it was simply what was on my mind when I started to blog on Monday morning, but I will follow up with a comment from my very wise friend Suzanne who said, "I think when we cling first and foremost to our desire to love and please God, we don't worry about who is going to submit to who. We just work to express our love to God and express our love to others." That's what I was trying to say but she did it better!

As I write today, I am looking out my window to a sunny autumn day and not the snow flurries we were promised. Now, I am never one to shun sunshine (especially in November) but I was kinda looking forward to some real winter weather.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I am left wondering where the time has gone?! Jeremy and I started dating (officially) in November, and the first time I met his family was just a few weeks later at Thanksgiving. It feels like a million years ago. So much has happened in those years. I thought my 20's were busy years, but I had no idea how non-stop my 30's would be!!

Our house projects continue, and a part of me wonders if this 'joint nesting' is a way for us to prepare for parenthood. I know you normally that doesn't kick in until you are pregnant, but I think all the talking and hoping, planning and emotions of the last few months have caused us to be a little ahead of the game! I will be so excited to post pictures of our new fireplace and lovely painted green walls in the next couple of weeks.

I am also excited to get the Christmas shopping under way. I mean, I have started here and there but I have some major purchasing and creating to do. I am really wanting to make a lot of our gifts this year, and while that is fun it takes extra time. It means I have to really be good student to make sure assignments get in on time and I have time left over to make Christmas special.

With the holidays coming up I thought it was also the perfect reason to start to eating our way through the fridge and freezer to make room for storing holiday goodies as well as just using up the odds and ends that get left behind from making something specific. Tonight we are having our friends over for dinner and instead of slaving away in the kitchen, I pulled out a butternut squash and spinach lasagna and a peach raspberry crisp. Delicious, homemade and just throw it in the oven! I found a great new blog which I am slowly working my way through and I am loving, it's called 100 days of real food, it is a great resource so if you are interested, you should check it out.

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