Sunday, December 4, 2011


Really struggling to focus on the school assignments that are staring me down today. I had a wonderful morning at church, full of friends and not enough time to really catch up with everyone that I wanted to.

On Thursday last week, I had an open house ladies night for ladies at our church to get to know one another in an informal environment, over wine and dessert. My husband kept asking me what we were going to do at ladies night, he and his male brain had a hard time grasping the fact that little planning is necessary when you throw a bunch of ladies in a space with chocolate and vino. That is what we are doing!

I was excited by the great turn out and by the sweet, real conversations we were able to have during the evening. Old and new friends alike. It was a glimpse of the community in our lives, and I felt truly honored to be able to be a part of a church community who desire to be truly known, and present in each others lives. I just kept looking around thinking, this is what its supposed to be like.
Not that our church is perfect, but it is a platform for us to know Christ and one another in a more authentic way and to serve others in our community.

This morning, the advent reading, the worship, the message, the post service conversation was just another confirmation of God's plan for our lives. We were to be a part of this church.

Life is feeling very full at the moment. Not in a busy way particularly, but full of good things, full of relationships, full of laughter...and homework. I guess I am back around to struggling with motivation for that, which is probably my sign to stop blogging and get on with it.

I hope that where ever you are today, you are experiencing the peace, joy and hope of this Christmas season.

1 comment:

  1. When I was planned my 18th birthday party my mom thought we needed a schedule of things to do while everyone was there.... NOPE! lol. Same thing goes for a bunch of teenagers thrown together.

    I'm glad you had a good time with all the ladies. Being able to suround yourself with good christian women is a great blessing



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