Friday, October 14, 2011

Thankful for marriage

Finally dug my boots out for the season and my feet are cozy. Tonight I wrapped up warm, pulled on my boots
It has not been an easy week in our house. We have let the stress get to us. We have not been the best versions of ourselves. but tonight we shook of the days gone by, dressed up real purty, or at least I did and we went on a date. Out to dinner and then to watch a friend play music in Kirkland.
As we are saving for our adoption, we have cut back on all non-essentials. For me that means no lattes on my walk home from school and being a more conscious grocery shopper and for us it means eating out has become a rarity. Not that we ever ate out often, but if we were out running errands and it was lunchtime or dinner time we didn't think twice about grabbing something to eat. Now we make the choice to come home and use the food we have already bought. All that so say, it has made going out to eat a real treat. Something worthy of fixing my hair and putting on a cute outfit.

We didn't go anywhere fancy, no use scrimping to blow it at the herb garden, but we went to a fun pub with a great atmosphere, a gorgeous view of the water and great food. It felt good to stop.

Be together; talking, laughing, dreaming. Remembering all the things in our lives we have to be thankful for, especially one another!

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