Monday, July 30, 2012


We had out church service in a park yesterday followed by a BBQ and a kickball game. It was so fun to be outside with our church family and get in the spirit of the 'summer road trip' activities. We will be missing out on family camp later this summer because I just cant imagine camping with a newborn!

People brought blankets and folding chairs to sit on and sides to share for the BBQ. Some people even brought their gas grills for us to use to cook up the hot dogs and burgers. The morning was overcast but a few minutes into the service the sun came out and it was hot, hot, hot! I wish I had been better prepared sunscreen-wise because adding sunburn to my pregnancy discomfort wasn't the best plan. Still, I had a great day and wouldn't have missed it.

One of my favourite parts of the whole service was when we were singing "Jesus loves me this I know" Such a a simple song, such a powerful truth and of course, the kids all know the words which was adorable. While we were all singing, one little girl who was probably about 3 years old, danced up to the front and began to twirl and dance with her arms int he air. She had no shoes on and her hair was kinda crazy, but she was singing her heart out and dancing with no regard for all the eyes that were on her from the congregation. It was a beautiful moment and I blubbed my way through the chorus because of it. So happy. Content, to just be. Not holding anything back. No agenda. I wonder how often I am so genuine in my joy? How often I allow God to look on me with such delight? Is my life something He can look at and see a daughter dancing with delight for her heavenly father?

When I think of the psalm that tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord and he will give you the desires of our heart is special to me. I have seen that as I spend time with the Lord in prayer and reading the Bible, He draws my heart to himself. My fears are lightened, my hopes are affirmed and new dreams are uncovered deep within me. I want to know the delights of each day.

As we head into the final days of pregnancy I want to delight in each moment. Each kick and wriggle I feel from the outside. Each hope and dream we have for this little man knowing that when he gets here our delight will be even more obvious.

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