Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just an average day really

So my test score from my class wasn't as bad as I thought. I guess I am managing to retain more French than I thought!

Today was my Dr's appointment, just a regular check up, as though this is just a regular pregnancy. I guess from the outside it looks normal enough. But to me this will always be a special pregnancy. I guess every mother feels this way, but this pregnancy is God's gift to us and we can't get over how blessed we are. It will never seem normal to us.
The visit was nothing special, she listened to the heart beat which she found easily and is still the most beautiful sound in the world, and strong at 160. My blood pressure was great and weight gain was technically nothing. I say technically because the last time I was weighed was when it was snowy here and I was bundled up so even though I took off my coat and boots that time I still had many more clothes on than this time!
I am weighing myself weekly so I know that I have gained about 1.5lbs since my last appointment. I guess that's good. I am still in my regular weigh 'zone' so getting on the scale isn't too much of a strange experience yet - but I am under no illusion that it will not climb up into never before reached territory! ha ha

As much as pregnancy has been consuming my blogs recently, I do have a few other things on my mind! One being that I am hosting a community group through my church this winter. and last night was the first meeting. It's called, "Let's spread the Love" and is about finding ways to encourage the missionaries that we support as a church. I have been part of the missions committee for almost 5 years and in that time we have had lots of idea about ways to support and encourage the missionaries Bethany but in recent years, our committee has had a drop in membership and we have been finding it hard to do anything more than just the essentials, so we are all really excited for this group to bring a new lease of life, and new ideas which will in turn encourage our missionaries, and help them to feel better supported.

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