Friday, May 18, 2012

Feeding the belly

This week J has been gone in Florida for work. He was presenting at a conference that he was also attending. I just need to stop here for a sec and brag about my hubby, and what a hard worker he is. I am so blessed that he has a job he loves and can feel accomplished and challenged to do.

Anyway, I have fabulous girlfriends who come and stay with me when he is away so I don't have to be here alone overnight (I am a wuss). Somehow, I get much less sleep when they are here. The late night chats about life, love, marriage and everything else don't happen as frequently with J!

In the past when he has been away, I have been content to eat odds and ends from the fridge, or just to stick in a frozen pizza which can keep me fed for multiple meals. However, been pregnant I am much more aware of what I am eating in an effort to grow this boy big and strong (hopefully not too big). As the afternoon sun began to fade and my son made it very clear he was getting hungry I realised that  he was my dinner date tonight. I love to cook for J and he is always the appreciative recipient of what I make - even the more 'experimental' offerings! When it's "just me" it can feel harder to make the effort. However, even though it might feel like I am cooking for one, in reality I am cooking for two and he is so worth the effort.

So I whipped up some delicious stuffed pasta shells with ground turkey and spinach, it was delicious and bubs is kicking up a storm in response!! Actually, I think he is just excited because he knows his daddy is headed home in a little while. I am pretty excited for that too :)

Pregnancy-wise, I'm still feeling good most of the time. I am getting a little more out of breath walking around, and getting off the couch is definitely a three or four step process now to get momentum to stand but generally I am loving it. I enjoy the fact that I can now use my belly as a shelf. I wasn't sure when that would happen. I guess I can answer my own question, It happens now!

We are continuing to grow daily, here is a (not great) picture of us taken a few minutes ago, 29 weeks and 1 day.

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